Self Expression Magazine

Another Brick in the Wall Country Style, #1008

Posted on the 07 July 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


Last night, my family and I wandered into a Dickey’s Barbecue restaurant for dinner.  There is a new location that opened up on Oracle and Magee in the Trader Joe’s shopping center in Tucson, and we decided to try it.  We used to go to Dickey’s before a previous location closed a couple of years ago.  Dickey’s is franchised, but it seems there is a new franchise owner in this area, and boy do they have a great staff.  It is why I feel the need to write about this in my blog today.

We were eating kind of late last night, and it was a slow night.  Sundays in Tucson typically are.  The staff at this restaurant was so friendly, and throughout our whole meal, we were chatting back and forth with them.  As we were finishing up, they began asking us if we wanted to take food home.  As it ends up, Dickey’s employees are instructed to throw food out at the end of the day, because they pride themselves on their food’s freshness.  They packaged up “to go” containers, and we have enough food for a full meal tonight.  I can’t believe how they were just handing this over to us!  They even refused to take a tip.  “We’re not allowed, ” they said.  I would typically feel bad about a company that doesn’t allow food service workers to take tips, but these employees were clearly happy in their jobs.  Their employers must be doing something very right.

So, the least I can do, is write a up a blog in support of them and encourage you all to check them out.

Here’s all the information you will need:

  •  7850 N Oracle
  • Tucson, Arizona 85704

Phone (520) 292-4664


My song of the day is so unusual, as the owner of the Oro Valley Dickey’s had a very eclectic playlist that was piped through the restaurant last night.  Who would have ever imagined “Another Brick in the Wall” performed with banjos and country twangs?  I guess Luther Wright and the Wrongs did.  Somehow it works, and you all really should listen.  Yay for Dickeys:  good food and cool music, too!  Now that is a perfect combination!

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