Self Expression Magazine

Are My Eggs Ready Yet???

Posted on the 23 January 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

So I fell down the stairs yesterday morning.  Yep. Fell right down the stairs.  Here’s the worst part – I was carrying my 17 month old son.  Luckily, I felt myself fall and immediately put him in a football hold and protected him as I scraped up my arm, bruised my knee and landed on my head.  When I finally hit the floor, he was laughing at the amazing roller coaster ride he just went on, and I was crying from the pain of falling down a flight of stairs.

However, that isn’t what I really wanted to share with you.  What I wanted to share is what happened two seconds later.  So there I was, trying to hold back the tears from my pain as I stand my son up and look at my damaged body when my 4-year-old daughter looks up from the couch and says, “You ok?”

I reply in a shaky voice, “Uhmmm…yeah…I think I’ll be ok.”

To which she follows up with, “Are my eggs ready yet?”

Her mother is sitting on the floor with a bloody elbow and tears in her eyes and my daughter has one thought and one thought only on her brain – eggs.  It was at that moment that I realized I was truly a mother.  It’s always their boo-boos that matter.  When it is ours, eggs will always take precedence. Always. Damn eggs.

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