Posted on the 28 September 2012 by Brittany_tyd
TGIF! I was off yesterday to drive to Seattle (which is what I might be doing while you're reading this!), so it isn't quite as exciting this week. But, Fridays are fab no matter what, right? So why don't you join me, and fill in some blanks! 1. My first memory is pretty horrible, actually. So instead of telling you about that, I will show you this super cute picture of my sister, my grandpa and me one Halloween. I miss him.2. My first love was a boy who went to high school youth group with me. His name is Phillip. We were together for a decent chunk of time, actually. Clearly, it didn't work out.3. My very first favorite color was pink. I was a total princess back then. Let's be real, I'm a princess now, I just like purple better.4. The first time I really felt like a "grown-up" was when when I bought my first mattress. It was pretty exciting, which then made me realize how old I had become :).5. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning ishit the snooze button. Then I check twitter/text messages. Then, perhaps after another snooze button, I get up and pour a cup of coffee. yawn.
6. The first CD (cassette tape, record, etc...) I ever bought was I don't remember my first cassette. It was probably New Kids on the Block haha. My first CDs were Boyz to Men II and TLC Crazy Sexy Cool. I bought them both on the same day, and then made my sister and cousins participate in ridiculous dances in our kitchen.
7. My first car was a "champagne" Saturn SL 2 (FYI: that fancy color name did not fool me, I knew it was a grandma-colored car). My parents bought it for me for my 17th birthday, even though they told me they would only match what I saved myself. I loved it for that reason. Just like Lauren, there were several years where I had to drive around in the Las Vegas heat with the heat blasting so that it would stop overheating. And yet, when I bought my Jeep, I was sad to see it go.