If you have a book you want to promote and want to have fun meeting other writers at the same time, this is the group for you. It is a lot of fun participating in this group.
The object of the group is to help each other promote our books. What better way to get your book out there faster. Let's face it, we all keep trying to promote in the FB groups and sometimes our book gets lost in the shuffle of so many writers promoting their books. One would have to scroll down far to find one of ours.
Unless you start promoting your book several times on the FB page, and then you're considered borderline spamming. I wonder about that sometimes when I'm promoting different books. They are not the same book, but still, am I considered spamming?
So, you join Author's Bus Depot and participate in one of the bus rides to get started and figure out how it works.
Each member picks a time for the bus ride. Say, 4pm eastern time, 6am est. time or the late night 11pm.
Whoever can do one of those times or a different time, comments 'I'm in.' etc....
Lately the bus rides try to limit it to 5-8 people due to the famous Face book police.
These are the best bus rides where you can sit in your rocking chair to do it.
Then, the leader of the bus ride (the driver), will give you instructions in a message chat (close to the time of take off). He/she will start off giving you one of the banners to put on your FB page or timeline. It's usually a cool picture with the words (support an indie writer, etc...). You download it so you have it ready to post to your page when it's time for your turn to post.
The leader usually starts the ride by posting on his/her timeline first. Then under the banner picture you post the details of your book you want to promote. You get to put your book first on your page under the banner. Then all the other participants post their book under yours.
Don't forget to like each person's book as they're posting. Likes are awesome and makes the post look even better.
Your book promotion:
Note: On the link, you may want to shorten it if you want. It's optional. A good place to shorten links is www.tinyurl.com Or another one is Bookfinder.com I think this one is right. I'm trying to remember from yesterday's chat.
That's what you will be posting in the comments section under everyone's banner.
So, next, after the leader has his/her turn, the leader will pick the next person to have a turn. Then everyone jumps to their page and posts on their posts. And you friend each other in the process and get to meet new people.
Sometimes we get hoppers/hitchhikers who want to join in the fun. Which is fine as long as they share the banner on their page too. Sometimes, they can be late for the bus ride. It happens.
Usually the bus ride chat starts about a half hour before take off so if anyone new has questions, moments to chat about what we're eating, music we're listening to, etc....
The shares are great. These particular posts on my FB page have become the most popular posts on my page with sometimes over 200 views.
Some of the members have been getting over 40 shares to these posts.
We leave the chat open for a few days so when each of us gets shares, we let each other know. Then, we need to go post our book info under those new shares, as when someone shares the post, they only are sharing the banner picture.
So, potentially we can get lots of views to these posts. More views to our books and potentially more sales.
More than several authors including me have seen sales generating after doing these posts. It's really cool.
But, anyway, the more members we have in the group, the more potential we have to reach a wider audience for our hard writing work.
Come join us. Join in the fun.
Jennifer Jo Fay
Copyrighted August 2017