I love to follow the Tone It Up girls for inspiration, motivation and entertainment! I like to use their weekly schedule as a guide for my weekly workouts but I rarely do their PM challenges. They are doing a Love Your Body challenge from Jan 1 until Valentines Day and I am making more of an effort to do the nightly challenges to improve the way I think about myself, my life and my happiness.
The challenge on Monday night was to make a list of 10 things you love about YOU! I took some time to think about what to write down. I have to say it was a little awkward and I had a hard time coming up with 10 at first. But once I let my guard down my thoughts started flowing. It should not be difficult to list 10 things but the problem is I typically don’t think about myself in that way and that needs to change. It was a really good exercise and we should all think more about what we love about ourselves. We all need to think about ourselves in a more positive light and writing down 10 things you love about you is a great start. I highly recommend it! And, read the list often to remind yourself you are incredible!
It’s a little awkward sharing but here is my list. Let me know in the comments below a few things you love about YOU. Be-YOU-tiful!
Like the majority of you all, I used the start of the new year to refocus my diet and try to eat a little healthier and cleaner. I thought it would be helpful for me to participate in What I Ate Wednesday to encourage me to eat healthy and stay on track.
My planned meals for the day were:
Breakfast: Chobani Plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon and coconut and a banana — I also try to drink a small cup of OJ with a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar.
Lunch: Salad with lots of veggies and an apple
Snack: Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt KIND bar and {not pictured} carrots and sugar snap peas
Dinner: Sauteed Kale with onions and mushrooms, mixed green salad and chicken
There was some unplanned snacking (per usual). When I get home from work I go right for the snacks. Last night it was Wheat Thins and cheddar cheese and chili & lime flavored pistachios from my Graze box. Vinnie got me a 5 week subscription to Graze which is a snack delivery service. I am on week 2 and 50/50 on it. I really like some of the snacks, but others not so much. Maybe, I will do a review on Graze later in the month…

I really want to try to stop grazing through out the day. Its something I really need to focus on and be conscious of because I find myself just grabbing a cracker when it’s in front of me even if I am not hungry. I am taking it one day at a time, but if I can figure this out, I would be a happy camper!
What are 10 things you love about YOU?
What have you been eating lately?
Empower yourself to be more comfortable and confident. Write down 10 things you love about YOU!…
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