Diaries Magazine

Behind the Scenes

Posted on the 15 August 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
Hi everyone! I'm doing some work behind the scenes this week. In order to get all of that done, but still keep in touch, I figured I'd share some quick updates.

Behind the Scenes

True story, I slept in that.

1) I went hunting with the Boyfriend, and slept in his "camper" at the family ranch this weekend. It was exhausting, and I have a special add-in to our coffee date this Friday "live" from the scene of the makeup-less, hot, dirty hunt. Should be fun... ahem.
Behind the Scenes 2) God has been tugging and pulling at my heart in recent weeks, and it's opening my eyes to the world around me.  I think this typically means international missions or huge charity causes when people say this. For now, I mean quite literally, the world around ME. I don't often focus on local or personal issues. I tend to thing BIG without really thinking about myself and what I'm doing for his kingdom here. It should be interesting. {Also, if you're interested in world-wide issues, the best book I've ever read about it is The Hole in Our Gospel.}
Behind the Scenes 3) This weekend I "checked out" Harry Potter and the Sourcerer's Stone from the Kindle Lending Library. It was a good distraction when the men were working and I was generally useless.  Let me tell you, it warmed my soul like connecting with an old friend.
Behind the Scenes
4) Confession: these pictures are from the ranch, but in 2011. I haven't had time to do laundry, let alone upload pictures. whew! It is such a peaceful space, and gave me time to absorb the beauty of God's creation up close and personal.

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