True story, I slept in that.
1) I went hunting with the Boyfriend, and slept in his "camper" at the family ranch this weekend. It was exhausting, and I have a special add-in to our coffee date this Friday "live" from the scene of the makeup-less, hot, dirty hunt. Should be fun... ahem.
2) God has been tugging and pulling at my heart in recent weeks, and it's opening my eyes to the world around me. I think this typically means international missions or huge charity causes when people say this. For now, I mean quite literally, the world around ME. I don't often focus on local or personal issues. I tend to thing BIG without really thinking about myself and what I'm doing for his kingdom here. It should be interesting. {Also, if you're interested in world-wide issues, the best book I've ever read about it is The Hole in Our Gospel.}
3) This weekend I "checked out" Harry Potter and the Sourcerer's Stone from the Kindle Lending Library. It was a good distraction when the men were working and I was generally useless. Let me tell you, it warmed my soul like connecting with an old friend.
4) Confession: these pictures are from the ranch, but in 2011. I haven't had time to do laundry, let alone upload pictures. whew! It is such a peaceful space, and gave me time to absorb the beauty of God's creation up close and personal.