Bully, tells the story of several kids, a drop in the ocean, who were abused verbally and physically, or the latest term - bullied, millions of kids fall victims to bullies, no matter how hard some of them fight for their lives some end up committing suicide and leave us, the living, suffering. I'm not condoning them, not blamming them, just wish somebody would've been there to have heard them so today they would be among us. Among the first things that I got to notice is that they are all different, good different but they got treated like crap, they were pushed aside. It was told to them loud and clear that being different is not acceptable, nor tolerable.

Tyler had Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism that his parents say left him with unique personality traits unpopular with his classmates. His mother, Tina Long, said Tyler was very rule oriented as a result of Asperger's and frequently reminded his classmates of the regulations they were violating.
"If someone was talking in class, I know that he would say, 'You know we're not supposed to be talking. That's the rule,'" Tina said. His parents said that irritated his classmates, that Tyler was different to them and thus a target. "They would take his things from him, spit in his food, call him 'gay, faggot'," Long said. "One day to the next, it was continuous harassment from the other kids in the classroom." His parents said they complained to school authorities about the pattern of bullying early on, but no action was taken. "'Boys will be boys'," was the response Long said he got from school officials. "'How can I stop every kid from saying things that shouldn't be said? What do you want me to do Mr. and Mrs. Long? I've done all I can.'"" Read the full story here.
I hope you all buy the DVD when it comes out in February of 2013. I hope you all watch this amazing documentary. It's a strong documentary meant to make a big impact, slow down this plague and eventually stop it for good. No parent should suffer the loss of their child. No parent should feel hopeless. On my last post about stopping this phenomenon I was saying "A life without bullying is a beautiful life, let’s make it happen. I won’t live that long to see the day when there won’t be any anguished souls, no pain caused by mean people, no tears, no screaming, no crying out for help in the middle of nowhere, no solitude, no desperation, no going crazy and no wishing to die. You don’t want to be bullied and if you never were bullied don’t let that happen to others, but if it’s happening give them a hand and take a stand against bullying, defend them and be their hero, everybody needs a hero in their lives, be theirs, protect them and take special care, and someday they’ll get to be somebody else’s hero."
I'll wrap it here and when I'll go to sleep I'll wish for less and less and less kids to be bullied so they all could stand a chance at living a full life without any regrets. Everybody deserve to live a decent life. Everybody deserves to be happy.
Take a stand, stop bullying.
Be kind to one another and someday you may get to change a life for the better.