Diaries Magazine

Bibles, Choosing the Right Translation and Right Look

Posted on the 02 April 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
This post is part of the A-to-Z Challenge.
Something that eluded me for the first several years of Christianity was what Bible I should use.  I had my KJV Precious Moments Bible my mom bought when I was little, but I wasn't going to be bringing that to high school youth group! After a few weeks there, I "graduated" to the typical student bible in NIV, and later the Woman's Devotional Bible in NLT. I also keep a copy of the Message around because there are times that such a translation can really speak to my heart.

Bibles, choosing the right translation and right look

{my bookshelf}

I enjoyed these different translations, however I was looking for more substances, with a more literal translation. This lead me to the English Standard Version.
Now, I use the ESV study bible for home, but a pretty, purse sized ESV Bible for church. 
{I know this sounds superficial, but the bible I use has to be pretty. If it's boring to look at, or uncomfortable in my hands, I won't use it. That's the same for journals, pens and software.}
What's your favorite Bible translation? Do you have a problem with buying way more Bibles than you actually need like I do? 

PS. If you are trying to figure out the "mystery" of these different translations, I'd really recommend this fantastic chart from Zondervan.

PPS. The copious amount of bibles I own brings up an important issue. There are countries in the world that do not allow Christian materials. There are also people in the world who are in desperate desire of the word of God, and cannot afford bibles. There are several organizations that support such causes if you are interested. 

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