Self Expression Magazine

Blackbird, #641

Posted on the 01 April 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Dear Tucson Songstress blog readers,

I have made a decision that I have decided to share with all of you at this time.  The beautiful fresh Spring air is calling to me, and I have decided to change the focus of this blog to my true obsession and love: the beautiful sport of birding.

I love birds….little ones, big ones, yellow, brown and red ones.  It does not matter what size or shape they come in.  There is nothing that thrills me more than to be out in nature surrounded by the tweeting and chirps of these delightful and beautiful soaring creatures.  I adore the sensation of the binoculars touching my face as the warm breezes curl around them, and then when I peer through the lens and see the lovely flying treasures seemingly inches before my eyes, I just explode with happiness.

Therefore, my new blog name will be ” The Tucson Birder.”  My songs of the day will be the sounds of nature, and I am certain that you, too, will understand my joy for this sport as you share in my daily blogs.  One day I may write about the downy feathers on a finch, and the next day I may write about the conditions of the wilderness.  I promise you…this is a truly exciting new venture.

For one last song of the day, my song today is my favorite bird song.  Click HERE to hear the Beatles and their brilliant piece of music, “Blackbird.”  Now this is a song!  All songs should be written about birds!

Please join me tomorrow for my first “Tucson Birder” blog post.  Until then…tweet, tweet, tweet.


The Tucson Songstress/The Tucson Birder

P.S.  Just kidding….Happy April Fool’s Day, y’all!

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