Self Expression Magazine

Blogger Idol is Back! And Voting is Now…. OPEN!

Posted on the 28 November 2012 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Blogger Idol LogoHa ha! You thought you were finally free from reading my “Begging for Votes” posts when I didn’t have one last week. Ha! I fooled ya! We just had the week off for Thanksgiving!

Now, the Blogger Idol competition is in full swing and Martinis and Minivans is in the final four – soooo close! And this week is insane.  The judges picked the topics and we had to pick from the list.  I chose “How to domesticate a zombie”… Yeah…sounds just like something I would write, right?  Ugh. However, I did decide to take a humorous angle on it so feel free to read it here.

We need your vote more than ever before!!  Please vote by going to choose MARTINIS AND MINIVANS in the voting box.Thank you soooo much – you saved me last week and I know you can do it again!! And I hope, for your sake, that you never have to write about domesticating the undead.  It isn’t pretty.

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