Confession time: this is actually the first time in two weeks time that I have logged onto my WordPress account. I have been (and still am) so incredibly preoccupied with other ‘stuff’ that I couldn’t find the motivation to write anything whatsoever. I thought this radio silence would cause an enormous drop in my page views, but fortunately it hasn’t. Apparently I’ve managed to write about topics that people are still interested in or looking for.
At the moment there’s a lot going on in my life about which I’m not able to say a lot about – or anything at all, for that matter. I can, however, say that I have managed to pass all my exams of the previous semester of my Master in Education. I was actually sure I would have to resit one exam, but I actually did quite well on that one.
At work it’s been kind of stressful. A lot of things that have to be done without much breathing space. I have also been dealing with an increasing number of rude and seemingly ill-raised adolescents who think that they rule the universe let alone the school and its teachers. All the stress does pay off when it was made known that our school has now reached its highest amount of applications in a long time. For some reason our school had a bad reputation in the city and the surrounding area, but now it seems like we’ve overcome this and people are actually providing great word-to-mouth about us. This, of course, means that there will be work for us teachers!
We’re still busy with building our own dream house. Next week we’re going to have the first meeting with a constructor and architect to see how much it will cost if we let them build our dream house. We’ll have a similar meeting with another constructor/architect in the near future. Exciting!