Self Expression Magazine

Brother Brother, #1040

Posted on the 26 August 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I had so many good moments yesterday, but without a doubt, the absolute highlight of my day (maybe even of my week or month) was when I was sitting at my desk at work, and all of a sudden, my brother’s enormous grin popped up from around the corner.

My brother lives in Los Angeles, and I haven’t seen him in at least half of a year.  We are both so busy in our lives, and it prevents us from talking regularly and seeing each other often.  The love is all there though, and getting that hug from him was the best thing in the world.

He came on a last minute decision to take my Dad out to lunch for his birthday.  After lunch, they swung by my work to surprise me.  I only got 5 minutes with my brother.  What a tease, but it was the most meaningful 5 minutes I’ve had in a long time.  I’ll take and cherish every second I can get.

I miss my brother – a lot.  It’s hard not living in the same city.  So, my song of the day is for him.  I chose the song “Brother Brother.”  I think it was written by the Isely Brothers, but I like Carole King’s version.  Enjoy it, and I urge you all today…go hug your brothers.  They’re the best!


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