Self Expression Magazine

Burning Down the House, #771

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


I had the BEST night last night.  Who would have thought that I’d have as much fun as my kids at a Cub Scout/Brownie troop meeting?  We actually enjoyed an extraordinary experience together as they earned their “fire station visit” badge.  This wasn’t just any fire station, however.  We went to the Airport Authority fire station.  Yep, this is the fire station that is standing by to put out fires on airplanes.  Remember the recent crash landing at the San Francisco airport and how many fire fighters were on hand?  Well, we visited Tucson’s division of the same guys.

We saw their living quarters, learned about fire safety and best of all, stood adjacent to the airport runway as they brought out the amazingly big trucks.  These are not ordinary fire trucks.  They’re like the monster truck version of what a fire engine should be.  Here’s a better look of what they look like:


The firemen were so great with the kids, too (And not to mention easy on the eyes for the Moms!), and you could just tell  that they really loved sharing about their jobs and showing the uniforms.  Here’s a fireman talking to a captivated audience.  The kids were filled with questions, and I know that we all walked away learning a lot!


So, this blog today is a shout out and thank you to the Tucson Airport Fire Department.  You showed us all a great evening, and truly…..a huge THANK YOU for all you do for our community.  For my readers….if you get a chance to check out your local airport fire station, do it!  It is totally worth the trip, and I think all it takes is a phone call.

My song of the day today is a little tongue in cheek, but how could I resist The Talking Heads singing “Burning Down the House” when talking about firemen?  It’s an awesome song, and I know I’ll be humming it all day long.  Click HERE to see and hear this 80′s flashback, as I hope you think about the heroic firefighters who continuously save the day!  It is perfect to match up a rockin’ song with a group of firemen who quite simply rock!

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