Oh my gosh! My last 48 hours have been such a whirlwind of craziness that I’m still catching my breath. Camp ended yesterday, and the preparation leading up to it along with the adrenaline crash left me exhilarated and exhausted all at once. With camp over, I had another song leading gig in the evening yesterday, and then a celebratory sushi dinner with my family afterwards.
I came home at 9pm, was asleep at 10:00 and slept for 11 hours! Sleeping for 11 hours is unheard of in my world. Of course, I did wake up at 6am to take the dogs out and feed our pets breakfast. That was only a 30 minute interruption though, and I went right back to sleep afterwards.
I know this might sound like a mundane subject to write about in my blog to all of you, but for me, the real topic here is my need to decompress after 2-1/2 months of be go, go, go 100% of the time. Thank goodness for a weekend with very little plans. It is coming at the right moment.
I am taking this couple of days to decompress from a very busy summer that is now in the history books. “Busy Being Fabulous” is a lot of work! The Eagles pulled it off so effortlessly, so it is my song of the day. Today, I will be busy not being so fabulous. What a relief! And then on Monday – it’s time to start planning to do it all over again!