Dear Friends,
Summer, doctors’ appointments, mini vacations, exercise… all have managed to interfere with my regular posting schedule. I do enjoy the time away from my blog, but certainly not my time away from you! I hope you are all doing well.
Brief updates (more to come in detailed posts):
-I’ve lost exactly 30 pounds!
-We attended the wedding in Vermont this past weekend, I wore a fabulous dress and felt amazing.
-I’ve had my sleep study (results next week)
-It looks like I am nearing a firm ADHD diagnosis
-Joseph and I are better than ever
-I’ve applied for several different positions within the same hospital where I work currently (no responses yet)
-The weather sucks. And I’m learning that my mood seems to always reflect the weather.
-My best friend at work, Michelle, is leaving the hospital for an exciting new position elsewhere, and that’s bumming me out
-I’m currently upset with myself for a slow return to normal after our crazy weekend in Burlington, Vermont (I haven’t exercised/tracked calories/unpacked yet) BUT I’m letting myself be okay with it and remembering that I just have to give myself time
Sending you love and energy and happy thoughts.
xo, g.