Well. Things aren't what they used too be, and won't be what they should be. So i guess i'm in the middle? School is coming up, and i start this coming Monday, i don't really feel prepared, but i know that god is the one who does all the preparation anyways ;) I think it's gonna be a whole new ball game going into Highschool, and just growing up in general. Learning to spend time wisely, too become Financially smart with money, find a job, get a life the list goes on! Are you *ready* for this coming school year? A lot fo people i know are leaving for college, or already have. I pray my mind keeps up with what it's going too need to be processing, and that i would be brave when it comes too things i'm not sure about. News: My bird carusoe is worse, today there was a lot of blood, and he hadn't had any lately-i have no idea what the outcome will be, he might live... he might not But God cares for the birds. So, i'm worried-but i know He can handle it :) Have a great week, and if you need prayer, IM me, E-mail me, comment anything Prayer warriors ;)

also! found this Video you might just appreciate!
Like.A.Soldier ;) (new teeshirt!!! lol) Godbless,LizB