This weekend was probably one of my laziest weekends of the semester, and it felt oh so nice. I had to work, but that’s just the story of my life until graduation in May – woop, woop! Friday night was spent watching countless episodes of The Mentalist with Em. That Simon Baker, I tell you what. He and Robyn Tunney are awesome together. If I could read people like that, I’d give ole Eddie Cullen a run for his money (speaking of which, did you know R Patz shaved his head AGAIN? and he’s resolved not to ever, ever reprise his role as The Hair because he thinks he’s too old?). Yeah. I telepathically told him not to worry about it, because at this point people would rather see a prequel to Harry Potter over a film of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I’m just saying…

Sunday, after work, I baked cookies, because I left work craving some chocolatey chip goodness with milk. They didn’t turn out as soft and gooey as I would’ve liked, though. Later, I went with my parents’ to see my Nana and Pop, and we grilled hamburgers and I nearly got attacked by the evil poodle who is ironically named – wait, are you ready for it?
Seriously, she saw me come in and she totally spazzed out. She zoomed over the couch (I swear her paws didn’t even touch base), and she was running so fast she fell off the arm and nearly landed on my feet. I dashed aside (afraid for my life) and nearly tackled my Nana in fear trying to get away from the dog. She’s never been nice, that one, except for when my Nana first got her when I was 8 and she was so nervous she forgot to be mean. Since then – pure. evil.
Monday, I didn’t sleep in as I’d planned. My dad woke me up to tell me bye before leaving for work, then I realized I had to pee really bad (does anyone else have this problem in the mornings?), then my mom was really loud getting ready for work (okay, so I didn’t shut my door back), and then my phone started buzzing to life because YOU people don’t know how to take a day off! JustkiddingIloveyou.
I spent the rest of the day doing much of nothing. Around 4 o’ clock, I met up with Em for lunch (we had salads, just thought you should know), and then I went to Target to finally buy the Beach Pilates DVD I’ve been eyeing since before Christmas. At the register, the cashier guy told me his wife tried it and said it was a beast. I still don’t know if he meant that particular DVD set or Pilates in general. I took a few classes in high school when I was taking dance, but I haven’t tried it since. Heck, I haven’t even exerted any physical energy since probably my recital senior year. I know, that’s really bad. And trust me, I feel it every day. I’m tired of being out of shape and feeling like crap all the time. But my plan is to start the Pilates after my history class is finished at the end of the month. Right now, my days are just too long to start exercising. I’ll leave that for March.
And because I went out and bought the Beach Pilates DVD, I went to the grocery store next and bought some apples, bananas, whole grain bread, and Greek yogurt. Has anyone ever had a peanut butter and banana sandwich? How is it? I don’t think I have the healthiest of peanut butters, but I thought it was silly to buy a whole new jar, when I have two, albeit sugary, jars I need to get rid of first (hey, I’ve always had low blood sugar, so there’s my excuse). My idea was to start eating healthier meals until I got home and started pigging out on wine and the chocolate chip cookies from Sunday night. Just because they didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to doesn’t mean they’re still not delicious. After this batch, though, I’ll be good. At least, I’ll try really hard.