I already hanged my Christmas lights on my window telling Santa that I'm one of the very first kids waiting for him to come and leave present under my Christmas tree, thought I am not a kid anymore, pulling twenty in the next July I'll always have a little kids inside of me just for him.
Setting the Christmas stage is not that difficult. Hang some Christmas lights, bring a Christmas tree, decorate it with your loved ones, while doing it play some Christmas songs. In the evening have a cup of hot chocolate, again with your loved ones. But if you're alone invite your friends, their are good companions and don't mind if they bring some food and a good mood. Watch together a good old fashion movie about Christmas and I may have some suggestions but more about that later in the post. Everyone of us should have a Christmas tradition, I have mine and it has already started. Besides setting me into a good mood these Christmas lights are really nice to look at. Around Christmas on 25th I watch the classics which for me are Die Hard, first movie and of course the second one, same applies to Home Alone, first and second movie.
But what about music?
If last year I recommended you songs from Michael Buble this year we will be going way back, right to Frank Sinatra, don't know why I haven't thought of him in the past years, but hey, it hasn't been that long since I've started blogging in english.
So ladies and gentlemen, here is the music that is stubborn enough not to age, the music that will never leave our homes on Christmas holidays. This is the music that somebody pointed out will make us feel as if we were born in the wrong century. Without any doubts I would have grown up a happy kid while listening to Frank Sinatra's music, and not only to his Christmas songs.
Knock yourselves out.
But oh my god, let's not forget about Michael Buble. Although we cannot compare him to Frank Sinatra I would like to think of him as the Frank Sinatra of our century.
I'm simply melting, leave this page in the background while dining with your family, leave it in the background while decorating your Christmas tree or while dancing, this music is good for everything you might be doing in the spirit of these amazing holidays that most people seemed to lengthen from a few days to an entire month and they didn't do anything wrong by doing that.
So, have a Merry Little Christmas and wait for my next post but until then ...
... be kind to one another and by doing that you might change a life.