6:00 am, it’s that time when we lie in bed and try to close our eyes. Because , so soon the noise of world will begin.It’s than that we all join into the rhythm of our day. As we have missed, the moment of God’s artistry.
Which, starts at that time, when we lay cuddled like caterpillars in a cocoon of warm blankets. Because, we’re not ready for the embrace of the brisk fall air. While, it’s far too, early to watch the spectacle of the sun.
Instead, we find our bliss in the dusk of heavily lidded eyes. Where, we’re, like vampires, as the beauty of it all, hurts our eyes. Or, maybe , we are more like babies not ready to be born yet. Happy and warm in the womb. However, the sound of the alarm clock, is the sound of our cries. As, we stretch and yawn. As, we wipe the sleep from our eyes. We are, oblivious to the beauty that has happen, before we awoke.
Instead, of watching it. We retracted in pain of a bright shine. That glimmers between an opening of a loose blind. But, after the groans and muffled yawns, the gleam, becomes a promise. With the thoughts of our morning routine of flavored coffee, family, breakfast and one happy dog. We all become instruments in the worlds beat.
The End
Well, I had sometime and decided to join, Today’s: Daily Prompt: The Golden Hour too :)))).
also stop by Live 1 Cafe