Ah... writer's block!!! I've got to get back into it. I was taking a brief break and have realized the break has been longer than I remembered. First, meaning I need to write a new post!
Being sick kind of halted me for a little while, and then the other fun stuff curtailed my writing process. But, now I'm better and there is no excuse not to write. Well, my one excuse was I don't like the fact there is a girl underneath me that would love to plagiarize me and has been hacking my newest chapters. That made me so angry, I had to change my Comcast password, but I don't think it's keeping whoever out. Ticks me off.
My writing is not published yet, and technically nobody should have it at all. It's been my delay to write as I just don't want these people getting any of my good stuff. It's not theirs, but thank-you for the compliment that my work may be good enough to plagiarize, however, please DON'T!!!!
I'm sure my chain is just getting yanked! It got yanked on so many occasions, too many to keep count of.
Anyway, the knitting bug keeps me from writing obviously. I should just put those needles down, but it's too easy to just pick up my favorite needles and knit instead of write. I have been trying to finish up my pink cotton cone of yarn and foresee the end of it with another knitted dishcloth.
I did a scarf out of it too, which has to be for me as I've goofed on the cabled pattern a bunch of times. Still pretty, but I feel I can't sell something if I know the pattern got mixed up. I did do another one from a heart dishcloth pattern that I can sell, so there.
And I whipped up another headband out of wool yarn. I will have to be careful washing it. It's made out of a certain type of wool that shrinks wicked bad. Ha ha. There's my Maine talk! We are famous for wicked good, you can't get there from here and lobsta dinna.
Typos, I know but you get the gist of the accent. I've always been asked if I was from Massachusetts as people get my accent mixed up. I moved to Vermont but never lost the Maine accent.
Yesterday, I had a fun afternoon singing to some of my favorite CDS. I had to play Patsy Cline two times. I love crooners. It's funny how you can easily pick up the lyrics to some of the old fashioned songs. And I got dancing to Elvis Presley. I got reminding myself about old days growing up.
My Nana would come up to babysit us while our Mom and Dad went out to the polka dances. We would play Elvis and other tunes and dance. It was Nana's job to tell us which one of us contestants did the best dancing. She could obviously never decide as we all were good in her eyes.
I'm sure she would get laughing as my brother, the youngest was the family comedian! He always had us in stitches growing up. He also is the youngest of all the cousins.
Then we got older and it was our cousins having the first babies who were the life of the party at my Nana and Grampy's house.
I'm going to slowly begin to collect music from my past. I'm a 70's child. The Bubblegum music got played yesterday too. I got thinking of a few songs on the tip of my tongue. Brand New Key!!! I got singing the few verses I remembered, thought it was Linda Ronstadt that sang it but ends up it is Melanie. Can't remember her last name.
Then looking up Linda Ronstadt reminded me of another song from my past. Desperado. I remember singing it in third grade music class.
You Light up My Life, was a song a favorite cousin and I sang for our Nana and Grampy one weekend sleep over. Of course we were probably laughing through the whole thing.
We put on a play one year based on Country Mouse, City Mouse. Laughter through the whole thing there too and one of us probably got knocked off a pillow or a chair at one point.
We sang In December becomes the rose. Or some song from Bette Midler. I remember we were in the back bedroom trying to make sure we had all the verses written down right as we recorded the song on those old tape recorders.
You know, the kind of tape recorder you could hide in the kitchen during a big slumber party and play it back for everyone to hear they got their voices recorded!
And, there's my pile of books I have been reading too that has been keeping me from writing on the book. I'm currently reading one of Maya Angelou's biographies and want to read the Audrey Hepburn one. Maya Angelou is a very powerful writer and a wonderful speaker.
I've got to make myself write, even if it's just hand written this week. I'm up to 204 pages typed. I got stuck on a few scenes where something important happens but I haven't decided what is going to take place.
Yesterday, while a song came on the radio station, I got an idea for one of my scenes. I can kind of play it in my mind as it starts to burst onto the scene. All I will say is a whirlwind of something a midst the ferocious things coming at them.
I think I should take a break from knitting soon and do this. Although, when we get stuck with writer's block it is a good thing to just take some time to read as well. It really goes hand in hand with the writer's mind.
Jennifer Jo Fay
Copyrighted January 2014

I also remember that one I think in an old fashioned family movie VHS my Mom's best friend made for her one year. All the old weddings, and picnics, plus when my best friend and I were babies. And there's one snippet of my Mom as a young girl hamming it up for the camera! Classic and beautiful!!!

My kids school pictures in the background. I've got my larger pictures framed but these ones are always on my coffee table. My four A number ones!!!!!! My priority! They come before anything I love to do and will love them for a thousand years like the Twilight song and then to eternity and infinity!!!!! Children always come first!!!!

My favorite music box of my Mom's. It plays some sort of Japanese song! Love it. I had to play all my music boxes one night. A tradition I used to do as a young girl. My sister and I shared a room and at night, I would wind up all my music boxes and listen for them to play out. I've got a memory of going to a shop filled with Music boxes in a part of Maine along the coast somewhere. I want to think it was in Wiscasset, but I can't quite remember where it was.