Diaries Magazine

Designing the Future – Changing the Mindset of the People

Posted on the 28 September 2012 by Eternallydeniedsoul

We all are a part of the ongoing evolution. So basically ‘future’ means a leap in the path of evolution, be it the evolution of machines, evolution of ideas or evolution of the living beings.

To start a design for the future, we have to take in account the past, and the present.



Let’s go back to the 70′s,and ask a person what future in the 20th century means to him? He would most likely say- flying cars, medical advancements, decrease in poverty, faster transportation system etc.


So now that we know what our predecessors thought about the 20th century. We did build faster vehicles,we eliminated many diseases,flying cars: we have them but not for the public use,it’s still under improvements.

And let’s accept the fact the emerging mobile technology took us by surprise.We have the I-phone,1 GB/sec internet connectivity,life-like android robots,and many more gadgets which people never thought of.

But look at the dark side. We have countries at war,terrorist activities,corruption growing as the beanstalk.

And yes we have the degrading environment,depleting ozone layer and energy sources.

So facing so many critical problems,how should we design the future? That’s the dilemma.

All of us want a bright and prosperous future. So what should be the steps for it?

First of all,most important we need to deal with the environment issue,or else the future will be a barren earth with no life form survived.We need to control pollution,and how is that possible,by cutting the rate of emission and harnessing clean energy i.e. Solar energy,geo-thermal energy,tidal energy.

And we need to put a pause on the war stuff. I mean we need to collaborate now and work for a better future. But why isn’t that possible!!

The corruption in India has still forced children to die of hunger. So how to reach out for a better future,if we don’t have the resources in the present.Let me provide you a scene from everyday life,to clear the picture.


Somewhere in India,a young girl in her 20′s,is waiting for the bus at a bus stop,listening to music on her I-pod She likes to flaunt the latest fashion in short skirt and a funky top. Two boys standing beside them,look at her with a devilish smile. They take out their 8 megapixels camera phone and click some pictures of her. The girl didn’t seem to notice. The boys go back home, upload the picture on social networks,where some more sick minded people like them are going to use their ‘right to freedom of expression’ on the picture.

Now what do we learn from it. Even if we provide people with new technology,you can’t change the basic mindset of people.

The very idea which was meant for the comfort of an individual,can be used to cause discomfort to others.This very human nature is also a product of evolution.

So what should we do? The future is calling and we don’t have much time for it.

We don’t know at what moment,the countries may be firing nuclear warheads on each other.

The nuclear program which can harness huge amount of energy,aiding the energy crysis,is being used to quotient power.


The negative queries about making a good future is never ending. But as they say where there is hope,they is a way.

Step 1-

First of all we need to change the mindset of people,we need the people to work together,because the more the merrier.

For that we need to strengthen the law and order. We need to curb corruption and it’s evil. We need to make them understand that without a positive attitude,we are just going to lose the race of evolution.

We have to give PEACE a chance.

Step 2-

We need to build an economical system where money shall not be used for the pleasure of an individual. Either it should be used in a nation’s development as a whole.

We have to lose the idea of individualism and believe in unity.

A simple example- if we change the mindset of people,they won’t need a car for each,rather they will use a bus which shall carry them all. Thus cutting the cost of many cars and also the rate of pollution.

Thus if the first and foremost step of bringing men together is done,we can move on to our second step,i.e. Technological advancements. We would need to build devices that can harness most of the energy from the natural resources.

We would have to build public transport,faster,safer and reliable,thus demolishing the idea of private vehicles.

I rely on them because even if we have flying cars like of ‘the jetsons’,the rate at which population is exploding,air traffic will face the same problem as today’s traffic.


And the very fact remains in step 1,we know if that can be made possible, future will not only be a better place to live in,but also a heaven to die for…

Disclaimer- the pictures used in this post have been taken from the internet,their sole purpose is for support in illustrating the ideas. I do not own them,and i am thankful to the owners for these images.

I am designing the future in association with BlogAdda.com & INK talks.


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