Yep – I kid you not, Martinis and Minivans is on Pinterest. I know what you must be thinking. She doesn’t do crafts. She doesn’t have any rooms that are actually decorated in her house. And she usually looks like she rolled out of bed and into a pit of Goldfish crackers. And you would be absolutely right.
However, my Pinterest boards are for all those things and more.
Here’s the titles of some of my boards:
Rooms My Son Would Ruin
Stuff I Like But Will Never Actually Make
I Wish I Were Stylish Enough To Wear These
Great Stuff I Wish I Wrote
And yes, you can find my blog posts and other writing contributions, but those pail in comparison to the heavily sarcastic commentary I provide on my other boards.
So come check it out and follow. And hey, leave your Pinterest URL in the comments below so we can all start following each other…
Follow Me On Pinterest!