Self Expression Magazine

Don’t Blame The Whole Race

Posted on the 18 December 2013 by Sonica Jackson @sonicajackson

Don’t Blame The Whole Race

Let me be real: Although I absolutely love my Black heritage and I love being a Black woman, that doesn’t mean that I believe that white people are the devil. I do whatever I can to uplift my beautiful Black people such as supporting their business ventures, giving them encouraging words, etc. However, that doesn’t exclude the white people that really have a good heart towards all of humanity.

It would be foolish of me to say that racism doesn’t exist. Of course, racism exist and it’s running wild with her sister named, ‘Hate’. As a black woman, I have been a victim of racism more than once and in just this year, I went thru it in the city of Pittsburgh. So I definitely know about racism and how real it is. But if I choose to act just as ignorant as some racist white person, then I’m no better than that person. Yes, it’s true that sometimes you have to kick a lil’ ass to get your point across but when you actually think before you respond to a situation, you’ll make the other person look like a dumb ass.

For the most part, I have been blessed to meet some amazing white people, the ones that have a heart of gold and have prayed for me and with me during my darkest hour. Some have even helped me financially when I was going thru hell and gave me great advice on various subjects. I love my white friends dearly and will always consider them an important part my life. And to be honest with you, they’ve been more supportive of my writing career than my own Black race. When I release my novel in 2014, I know that they will be willing to support it.

Had I walked around with a chip on my shoulder and thought that every white person wanted to have me lynched, I wouldn’t have the great relationships with the white people that I know. Translation: Not every white person is screaming ‘white power’. Not every white person see me as just another nigger girl. Not every white person has a Nazi sign tattooed on their arm. Not every white person is affiliated with the KKK. Not every white cop is crooked. (To be honest with you, most white cops are normally the ones that have given me a break. Most of my tickets were written by Black cops).

It is very true that racism is taught and to be honest with you, that’s not something that I want to learn. If one white person violates me with racial slurs and/or discrimination, that simply means that that ONE person is an asshole, not the entire race. That ONE white person needs to be put in their place, not the entire race. That ONE white person is ignorant, not the entire race. That’s the point. You never know who may be a blessing to you and if you decide to walk around with a ‘black only’ mindset, you will miss out on some extraordinary opportunities in your life. Be open-minded to be loving to everyone.

So to my dear white people, keep that point in mind when you interact with me and my Black community. We all are not ghetto as hell. We all don’t drive around with drugs in the car or a suspended license. We all don’t wanna solve our problems with a fist fight (no matter what you see in these god-awful World Star Hip Hop videos). We all are not trying to be on welfare for the rest of our lives. We all don’t think that “the man” is out to get us. We all don’t have a bunch of baby daddies.

If a person is an asshole, see them as an asshole because of their actions, not because of their skin color. Racism will never go away but it can definitely be reduced if we learn how to make a racist person feel small. Don’t even stoop to the level of a fool like that because their main agenda is to piss you off and ruin your day. Take a stand against racism by not altering who you are as a person. If you allow the actions of one person to affect how you treat an entire race, you’ve lost the battle. Rise above racism by confronting the actions of that person head-on but remember to demonstrate acts of love with everyone.


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