Creativity Magazine

Don't Shut That Door On Me

Posted on the 21 December 2014 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
Don't Shut That Door On MeDon't shut that door on me,
Said I to him,
Because when you do that,
I feel all around lost.
I question my relation to you,
You are my hope,
My better half.
In a world that's so confusing,
When every other relation,
Is secondary,
You and me, we are a happy couple.
But there are times when you keep secrets,
And tell me that it's for,
My own good.
But baby, I don't need that kind of,
I would rather see the world,
For what it is.
I am sensitive most of the times,
And react to almost everything,
But I am also learning now.
So give me some leverage,
And share with me,
Lets keep that door open,
For the trust in you and me.
~ A Poem By Fizz, © 2014

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