Self Expression Magazine

Dress up a Bikini…with a Camel???

Posted on the 12 August 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Some nights I feel bad that I have the world’s best husband who will watch The Real Housewives of Whatever County with me even though he hates every minute of it. So I try to make it up to him every once in a blue moon and watch some sort of sporting program. And by watch, I mean read a magazine and nod every once in awhile when he says, “Wasn’t that an awesome play?”

This week I was catching up on Glamour magazine while “watching” when I turned the page and saw this ad.

bikini woman on camel

There are two reasons why I spit out my cocktail upon turning the page (and you know it’s funny if I’m actually going to let alcohol leave my mouth)

1. Try to read the small description headline on the top right. It says “Dress up a bikini”.  So…uhmmm…. dress up a bikini on a camel??? Who the hell wears a skimpy white bikini on a camel? Who exactly is their target audience – half naked hot women who live in the desert? Do those women read Glamour? I’m thinking not because it has to be challenging to read a magazine while picking out the massive wedgie you get from wearing a bikini on a camel…

2. Does anyone else find the placement of the fur on the “saddle seat” hilarious? Now that is a woman who should probably wear one of those skirted bathing suits rather than a skimpy bikini… just sayin. As a hairy Italian I could recommend a few treatments for those issues.

Ah yes, Glamour magazine comes through again. They truly have something for all women, don’t they? Even the obnoxious sarcastic ones who adore mocking it. Sorry Glamour, you made this one WAY too hard to resist.

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