Diaries Magazine

Earn Money at Postloop Just for Commenting

Posted on the 04 September 2012 by Jfay1995
We all want to earn more money, right?  I think I just heard a massive yes.  It's the way of the world.  Money talks, money walks.  And the more of it in our pockets we surely love!
I'm one of the millions of writers trying to make a living writing online.  Where do we go to do it?  We start a blog, a website, join a writing community, look for other online sites where we can earn money writing online.
Not all of them are legit, so we have to do our research.  And when we start to do this it can be truly confusing and overwhelming.  Then, over time we learn what works for us and what doesn't. 
Here is a number of different writing communities where you can possibly earn money:
Hubpages (where I got banned for blogging, when I didn't know what I was doing)
Blogher (but they don't want any paid ads on your blog, probably even Google Adsense which I am not about to change for Blogher as I don't know what their pay terms are and do know Google Adsense.  It's working pretty well for me)
She Writes
The bottom two I don't write with.  I think I have accounts there, but I'm not active.
Oh, there's also Helium, but I didn't like that one.
On Triond, Wikinut and Expertscolumns you can re publish to earn extra revenue for your writings.  I've done a few at Wikinut and Expertscolumns that I have written at Triond. But I tend to really like writing just at my Blog and at Triond.
Triond is not the best site to get paid money with but when your views are higher, you do see a good increase in your pay each day.
Today while I was at Triond another writer had posted an article about Postloop.  I had never heard of the site but she told us that you get paid for your comments and you can actually earn a decent amount depending on how active you are.
Well, I signed up this morning and it is quite cool.  I think I am going to like it.
First you go in and set up your account with Postloops, profile and picture etc... then validate your e-mail address and go from there.
There looks like there are many forums and blogs where you can go and post your comments.  And you get paid by points.  Each point is worth a certain amount.  I think the girl said 3-6 cents or something like that.  And of course if you leave comments on different blogs or sites the points differ for each comment.
Before you can begin to earn of course, you have to get approved.  So they send you to the Postloop Portal Forum where there are all kinds of questions and you choose which ones you want to comment on.  You can follow other users and connect with others.  You have to leave 10 comments and then they will review your comments and you either get accepted or denied to Postloop.
That being said, it is very important that you leave quality comments with good grammar. 
My Triond friend said she was getting some halfway decent pay.  So here I am thinking that it would be worth a shot.  It's a free site just like so many other places, so why not?
And while I was there looking at all the questions, I got thinking that I could find some pretty good writing prompts here from all their questions.
What was the scariest movie you ever watched?
How do you budget when grocery shopping?
What are your favorite sites on the Internet?
How many hours of sleep do you get?
What is your favorite search engine?
It looks like fun, and you can choose how much time you want to commit to spending there.  It is yet another place to earn a little extra money in your pocket.
Need some extra spending money for the holidays?  Try it out.
Jennifer Jo Fay
Copyrighted September 4, 2012
Earn Money at Postloop just for commenting

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