Yesterday, my family and I celebrated the holiest Jewish holiday of the year…Yom Kippur. On this day, able-bodied adults fast, and we are supposed to do so to feel the pain of our sins that we have committed throughout the year.
Children do not fast….at least not until they have been Bar or Bat Mitzvahed. In my family, however, we ask our kids to give up one thing….to do something differently than they would do during the rest of the year.
My daughter was so cute about it yesterday. She decided that she was going to give up eggs. You see, on most Saturday mornings, we eat eggs for breakfast in our family. That is because Saturday is the one day of the week that we are home and have jammie time. My husband is awesome at cooking all forms…..scrambled, sunny side up, fried, omelets, burritos….you name it.
She knew it was Saturday and that it was an egg day. In honor of Yom Kippur, however, she opted out for cereal….a wise choice for my full of good intentions daughter.
So…in honor of her choices, my song of the day today is “Egg Man” by the Beastie Boys. All Beastie Boys music puts a smile on my face just as my daughter’s way of honoring her Jewish life. Click HERE to hear these awesome Jewish rappers sing about the eggs that we hold so dear!