My daughter’s cabin – a photo posted on the camp website last night. She’s in the front row on the right at the end with her arms wrapped around her friend. She looks happy, thank goodness!
I am a stalker. Yes, that is me. You might call it just being a camp mom — potayto, potahto. They both, in my opinion however, are synonymous of the other.
Within 24 hours of my daughter being at overnight summer camp and having my communication cut off from her, I am obsessively tied to social media. The camp posted a picture of last night’s camp fire. The camp posted a video of last night’s song session. I saw both of those postings within a minute of them being uploaded to Facebook.
And then….the piece de la resistance…a new camp photo album of day #1 posted to the website. Oh boy! Twenty-six pages of photos to comb though. I looked at every single photo scoping out the background of each one just to get a glimpse of my baby girl. I am uploading all of her pictures onto my computer to help her with a photo album when she returns home, but the real reason I need to scrutinize and pick apart every single picture is because I admittedly become a little crazy when she’s at camp!
She is, after all, my little girl. She gets homesick and is terrified of bugs. I worry, worry, worry about her. As I mentioned to another camp Mom….I don’t think I will breathe again until I pick her up in 11 days. (But who’s counting, right?) It never occurred to me even once when I was a camper away for the summer what my parents went through. They didn’t even have social media or photos on the website back then. They dropped me off for a month — an then they got nothing at all! How did they ever manage?
My perfect song of the day is the Police’s “Every Breath You Take,” because with every breath I take…I’ll be watching you. (In all the camp photos, that is) Eleven days is an eternity!!!