Diaries Magazine

Fight Club

Posted on the 14 September 2012 by Bazkarim @BazKarim
Ive just literally finished an assignment for my Narratives module in my Masters Degree course on 'Fight Club'...which is one of my all time favorite film.
 I stumbled upon this essay online which was dead helpful!
Apparently the girl who did it, wrote an descriptive analysis on the entire film. IMPRESSIVE! And got an 'A' :) Good for you!
Fight Club
Here is an extract of the introduction:
Fight Club (1999) effectively entwines the elements of narrative into a compelling and powerful work of art. Fight Club's themes are philosophical and thought provoking, as they investigate the effects of consumerism in modern society. The major characters are round and identifiable. The clever blend of content and form enriches the film, adding heightened dimensions to the story and its themes. The dialog is inspiring and spiritual. Stunning visuals empower the story and vividly communicate Fight Club's symbolism. 

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