Self Expression Magazine

Fill in the Blank Friday -

Posted on the 13 January 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD

Happy Fill in the Blank Friday!
Head on over to the little things we do to participate. OR just get over there and send your best wishes to Lauren, whose little girl Fern is due in FIVE days!

Fill in the Blank Friday - 1.   The last thing I ate was     two slices of frozen pizza for dinner. But right before that was a 1/4 of a bag of ruffles and ranch dip. So much for losing a few more pounds, huh?

2.   The last song I listened to was    I'm so excited you asked this! I was trying to think of a good reason to post this video on the blog. "Ours" by Taylor Swift. Minus the "gap in your teeth" and the fact that the video shows a man in the military, this song 100% reminds me of The Boyfriend. The one that I was listening to while writing this is "I don't want this Night to End," by Luke Bryan. Also adorable. Umm... basically just watch the "High 5" songs on CMT and that ought to do ya.
PS. Amanda, in order to be a true Nashville resident, you should probably study up on CMT!
3.  Using the letters in my name I can spell    {brittany}...brat (which is what I was on NE), rat (ew), rain, yar (if we were pirates), bar, bit, bat, brain. Fun! I've never done that before! 4.  If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life I would pick    purple. Although, Lauren has a good point about blue jeans... MAN! 5.  If you were to look in my bag right now you'd find   sunglasses, my hobo wallet, two pairs of earbuds, my ipod, my erin condren planner, pennies, two cameras, fruit snacks and my coupon holder. OH, and various colors of highlighters and pens, and female-products.

6.  When I finish filling in the blanks I'm going to    actually get ready for work! I am such a procrastinator this week (and most Fridays, but whatever)!

7.  My all time favorite song to dance to is    oh man. I am trying to remember my law school days when I actually went dancing... I can't decide! It's too hard!  As for what I dance to now, it's usually in the car on the way to see the Boyfriend - Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, and.... *blush* Ke$ha. I know, I know.  .

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!

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