Self Expression Magazine

First Day, #879

Posted on the 06 January 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I am so crazy excited today, because I am going back to work full time after many years of working several music teacher part time jobs.  I will be working at one place with only one schedule and will be able to give my one new job all of my energy.

This is such a huge change for me, and I just can’t wait to begin and get into the full swing of things.

I am a very blessed person, because my new job still requires me to teach music and be creative and combine all of my artsy tendencies with my administrative skill.  It is so amazing and awesome to be able to throw so much of what I love into one place of employment.  I could go on and on about this.

To spare you all…I will just give you a song of the day that is completely representative of my “First Day.”  ”First Day” by the Futureheads is about the first day on a new job, so it is perfect for this very special day ahead.  Click HERE to hear it, and I’m off….going straight forward into a new life.  Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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