Diaries Magazine

First Day of Boston Training

Posted on the 11 December 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

This week is officially the start to my Boston Marathon training! Super exciting but nerve-racking too. My running plan is to start slow and build up the miles. I want to stay healthy and happy through this whole experience.

First Day of Boston Training

I have also signed up for a 16 mile race at the end of January. I am so focused on Boston, I keep forgetting I need to be prepared for this race too. The race in January is a Boston Prep 16 Miler; apparently a lot of the competitors are also doing Boston and they use it as a training run and a way to change up their normal running routine. I am actually really excited about it – I have never done a race in the middle of winter. I am going to make my training schedule line up so my 16 mile training run is on January 27th.

Monday I did Nike Training Club workout for 45 minutes at the gym. It was killer! My butt is so sore. I need to keep up the strength training; its not ok I am sore every time I do a squat or lunge. I did the Fire Drill workout from the Get Lean section.

First Day of Boston Training

Today I ran 3 miles in the rain. It really wasn’t that bad. Running outside is so much better than inside.

First Day of Boston Training

Weekly Workouts:
Monday: Cross Train
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: 5 mile run
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: Rest (yoga)
Saturday: 6 mile pace
Sunday: 9 mile run

First Day of Boston Training

I can’t get enough of this song! Taylor Swift rocks my world…

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