I am having the lovely Naomie Pierre over for a Guest Post today. She writes for Mydochub, an on-line health community in America, on the subject of Women's Health.
My own newborn Angus
One of the most exciting parts of life is the moment a child is born into a family. The elation is hard to beat and not much can compare. For a mother these feelings of ultimate joy are even more profound. So, it is no wonder that it is a life changing moment when a new mom breastfeeds her newborn for the first time.
This movement forward in becoming a mommy and taking care of a child the best way possible can be amazing, but also a little daunting. Once the true moment is at hand – no matter how many child rearing books have been read – the apprehension of feeding a baby at the breast may be overwhelming.
But have no fear.
Keep these following techniques in mind when starting the nourishing road of breastfeeding with your baby:
1. Start immediately: When it comes to breastfeeding your newborn, there is no better time than the present. In other words: get going on it immediately. As soon as you are reunited with your baby after childbirth have your little one in your arms and ready to latch.
2. Be aware of positioning. Common concerns by new mothers ready to start breastfeeding usually have to do with the position of the baby and the way the child latches on to the breast. In all actuality these two aspects of feeding are interlinked. By cradling your baby in your arms at the right angle, i.e. cross-cradle position, simple cradle position, bed enhanced side-lying position, and the old football hold, you are ensuring that the baby is able to do what is completely natural for them: to latch on.
3. Is latching slow to happen? If your baby is having some issues with latching on there are few different techniques to try. First lay belly to belly with your baby. Bring your child’s head in line with the nipple, and then bring your breast closer in towards the baby. Once close enough, use your hand to guide the nipple directly to the baby’s lips. Once the baby opens his or her mouth wide quickly draw the child in closer to create the latching effect.
4. The trick to ending the feeding. Once your baby is done, or you need to finish the feeding session, it is important to end the feeding properly. This ensures less pain for the mother in regards to her nipples. To help the baby release: slide a finger gently underneath the child’s lips and then towards the gums. This will break the suction effect.
5. Burping babies. If your baby isn’t burping up after a breastfeeding session, don’t worry. Actually, breastfeeding babies tend to burp less then babies that are bottle fed.
BioNaomie Pierre writes on women's health and diet and fitness topics on behalf of MyDocHub.com, a trusted source for doctor ratingsand reviews, as well as finding other healthcare professionals.
posted on 24 November at 09:30
Im happy that I ran across this when I did.