Diaries Magazine

Fun with Google Predict

Posted on the 30 June 2012 by Sajan

Is there anything better than a Saturday afternoon siesta?

Yes, there are many things better but, is there anything more dreadful than your Saturday afternoon siesta being shattered by the plumber ringing the bell at 3 in the afternoon?

The answer is an agonisingly drowsy yet resounding NO!!

So the plumber got down to fixing leaking faucets while I lumbered my way to the computer, trying to find a way to stay awake while he finishes his job. And that effort has led to this blog post- an experiment with Google’s predict options

Every time you try to search something in Google these days, Google tries to be too clever by predicting what you are trying to search. While being helpful most of the time, Google predict can be downright funny at times. I have listed a few examples below with a star rating for some of the most funny, weird, eye catching predictions by Google which paints a pretty dismal, amusing, interesting and all together reflective look at the Human Psyche across the globe! Here are some interesting examples:

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

Fun with Google Predict

and finally, the boss in google!

Fun with Google Predict

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