Self Expression Magazine

Happy Herbs

Posted on the 12 June 2013 by Gray Eyed Athena @grayeyedowl

My herb garden is beginning to fill in, complete with chives, two types of mint, two type of lavender, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, thyme and tarragon.  I need to add some big basil plants in pots, and finish potting my tomato plants, and then my little side deck garden will be complete.

I’m not a green thumb by nature, and loathe taking care of flower gardens, but taking care of my herbs doesn’t bother me because I know I get to reap the rewards with fresh herbs in my kitchen.  Growing up, all of my siblings and I logged long hours weeding in our family’s extensive gardens, so I at least know the difference between a weed and a plant, although I might resent the knowledge ;)

herb garden

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