Diaries Magazine

Happy New Year! How About Setting Some Goals?

Posted on the 10 January 2018 by Rachael Dunne @WhatRachDidNext

First of all, I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! Whatever 2017 brought you, good or bad, this is a new year, a new start. A chance to evaluate the last twelve months and set some goals for 2018. Some things may have gone really well for you in 2017. If that’s the case, what can you do to take them to the next level this year? If other things weren’t so great, there’s no better time to ask yourself why. What can you do to improve your situation or make a better life for yourself? There is no better time than the beginning of a new year for reflection and making plans.

Happy New Year! How About Setting Some Goals?

Pink girly stationery required for serious goal setting

" data-permalink="http://www.whatrachdidnext.co.uk/2018/01/10/happy-new-year-how-about-setting-some-goals/cof/" data-orig-size="640,469" data-image-title="Stationery" data-orig-file="https://i2.wp.com/www.whatrachdidnext.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Stationery-1-e1515691508188.jpg?fit=640%2C469" height="469" width="640" data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.com/www.whatrachdidnext.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Stationery-1-e1515691508188.jpg?fit=300%2C220" aperture="aperture" />There’s nothing like pink girly stationery to help inspire some goal setting!

Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?

I have always struggled to answer this question. I have never tended to map out my life so specifically. Life has already presented me with so many unexpected situations, some good and some not so great. Because of this, I have always thought that we never really can tell where we’ll be this time next year never mind in five! On the other hand, imagine what might happen if I did actually take the time to set some life goals. Maybe I might actually start getting what I actually want out of life? But where on earth do you start?

Happy New Year! How About Setting Some Goals?

Where do you see yourself in five years time? A question that could be taken quite literally!

" data-orig-size="2000,1607" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" aperture="aperture" />Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Inspiration For Goal Setting

I was inspired by Day Zero Project to list 101 goals I want to achieve in 1001 days. The Day Zero Project is a fab little community site. It allows you to list your goals and share your success stories with their community as you complete them. Creating a list of 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days sounds easy peasy right? Well, I found that at first, the ideas were just pouring out of the end of my fingers. They couldn’t keep up with my brain as I typed! Then I slowed once I got to around 50 goals and by 70 I was really struggling.

Rocks, Pebbles & Sand

I called to mind the story about the professor filling the jar with rocks, pebbles and sand. This really helped me formulate my ideas and think about what was really important to me. If you don’t know the story, Litmos Heroes have created a fab little animation which explains it perfectly. Rocks represent the fundamentals such as family, health and relationships. Pebbles represent other things that are important such as your job, school or self-development. The sand represents the small stuff such as material possessions. As you may imagine, the rocks fill the jar. Although, if you put them in first, big spaces are left between them. Pebbles roll into the spaces if you pour them in next. Although, you would still be left with spaces between the rocks and pebbles. Lastly, if you pour in some sand, that will fill the space that’s left. If you do it the other way around, your jar would only be filled with sand.

So What’s Important To Me?

I’m happy to say that without even thinking about it, my goals were in line with this analogy. It was the ‘sand’ that I was struggling to come up with in the end. It is important for us to make time for the small stuff as that’s where the fun happens. It’s the trinkets we decorate our home with, it’s the great time we have on a Saturday night. Without the fundamentals in place, the sand is unattainable. If our health is poor we may not be able to work. Without a job, we can’t afford sand. If you’re interested, you can find my original list of goals here. I plan to review this periodically and keep you updated on my progress.

Share With Me!

What are your goals for this year? Please get in touch and share them with me and if you decide to join the Day Zero Project, please add me as a friend so that we can encourage and support each other along our journeys to success and happiness!

Rach x

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