Self Expression Magazine

Head Cold Life

Posted on the 24 April 2013 by Gray Eyed Athena @grayeyedowl

This cold is kicking my butt.  I was able to grab four hours of sleep last night (an improvement over two hours of sleep the night before) so I don’t feel nearly as hungry today, although I am still oh-so-tired.  I was so out of it this morning that I forgot to weigh myself, I put on makeup without putting on foundation first and then I drove the wrong way to work.  My silly little Italian coordinator (who is a sweet person, but a total idiot) is on a rampage to cause trouble today and I HATE drama with a passion and it’s hard to rise above it sometimes.

This cold is sitting in my left sinus… I’m just wishing I could leave and catch a nap before going to Pilates.  Sadly no.  BUT (this is exciting!) I will have a chance to practice piano tonight at Joseph’s friend Alex’s house.  I can’t wait.  And I’m all out of my trial Intermezzo, so we’ll see what tonight brings.  I’m looking a little haggard.

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