Self Expression Magazine

Hell’s Bells, #1009

Posted on the 10 July 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Last night was the annual camp talent show, and both of my kid’s performed solo acts!  My daughter is a veteran.  I believe this is her 4th year performing a song with my husband playing piano for her, and it is always the sweetest thing to see the two of them work together.

This was my son’s first year performing, and I am so unbelievably proud of him.  I thought for sure he’d chicken out at the last minute, but he performed his karate bo staff routine was such confidence.  This Mama is absolutely kvelling over it.

The talent show is such a big deal to the kids who perform, and as a parent, I think there are so many valuable lessons that come out of it.  Primarily, overcoming stage fright is a major accomplishment for these kids, and they walk away feeling such pride.  I have to admit, the Mama pride is overwhelming, too.

I do not have video available yet of my kid’s performances, but I will update this blog later and let you all know when you can watch them.  For now…here are a few photos that speak volumes.

The Little Bo Staff Ninja Dude

My son’s routine was set to the instrumental introduction of ACDC’s song “Hell’s Bells.”  My husband stood alongside him pretending to play the gong, as there is a heavy gong solo in this rockin’ tune.

DylanBo5 DylanBo4 DylanBo3 DylanBo2

Somewhere Out There with my Pretty Princess

My daughter sang her heart out to the song “Somewhere Out There” from the movie “An American Tale.”  My husband played the song on piano, and she sounded and looked so beautiful on that stage.  Check her out!

Haley1_IceCream HaleySon1 HaleySong2

I really do love watching them overcome their fears and give these performances their all.  Way to go, kids!!!!  I am so proud of you!

My song of the day is “Hell’s Bells” by ACDC, because it will now always have special meaning for me.  A bo staff never looked so good!

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