Diaries Magazine

How Much is Enough?

Posted on the 28 November 2013 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks
How much is enough? Teenagers are known for experimentation, in our genders, our sexual orientation, our bodies, our styles; people say it's a time of rebellion. People say it's a time of enlightenment. And some people say it's awesome.
I say it's amazing.
If you take a scale, and weigh out all the things you learn between the ages of 12-18, (I'm not saying I know everything yet) you learn a LOT. Parents would however argue, that Teenagers learn *everything* (sarcastically), how could you ever even need them around when you're so smart? (I'll rant about this issue some other time)
Some people introduce their kids to the "Sex" thing on their own, because they don't want their kids to know it form anyone else. Those parents (in my view) love their kids, and want them to understand that, as they begin to learn about new things, they will always be someone their children can come and talk to.

Obviously this doesn't always work, and it's a bit cliche-but it sure sounded nice, didn't it?

Where was I going with that? well, the most realistic situation like this that applies to me here is the fact of coloring my hair. First of all, Wow. Having your hair colored is an excellent conversation starter. Second, my mom and dad have been behind me 100% since I first brought up the idea of coloring my hair-My mom even does it for me.

Not everyone has parents like this, and I get that. But I'm thankful for mine :)

I just saw Catching Fire ( still pretty tensed up, haha)

And look! it's 12:49am,

Happy thanksgiving all 

Godbless ya,


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