It always feels slightly decadent to have a fire in the daytime, especially when I am the only one here to enjoy it, but ever since Emma had her choir Christmas party at our house, I realize I am very lucky to have this fireplace, this room I am sitting in, this home.
Sometimes amidst all my inner ramblings and rushing I forget that: how lucky I am to have this exact home in this precise moment.
My fire is telling me to ask you to slow down, as you are reading.
In a simple inhale and exhale, think, “I am so blessed….” Or if you prefer, use lucky or grateful or privileged… and just stay with that thought for another few inhales and exhales, repeating your thought again.
“I am so grateful….”
As you return to the rest of your life, remember this, especially when you hear your thoughts move to “I am so behind!” or “I have so much to get done!” or “I’ll never get this done, be who I want to do, reach my goals…” absolutely anything, take a breath: a simple inhale and exhale.
Breathe through five or more rounds of “I am so privileged…. I am so blessed… I am so grateful….” Don’t even think of it as another “fix-it tool”, just allow it to be what it is for you.
“I am so privileged…. I am so blessed… I am so lucky….I am so grateful….”
I would be especially blessed if you play with this and let me know what happens.
= = =

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© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott
This is my twenty-fourth post (of 31!) for the January Ultimate Blog Challenge. Watch here for challenge posts which will include Writing Prompts, Writing Tips and General Life Tips and Essays.