This post is part of a mini-series based on the fact that so many families end up just handing out money on Christmas. Did this happen to you? Did they make you promise not to spend it on bills? Then read on for some ideas on how to spend it. Just make sure you tell them what you spent it on. People like that. ***
Merry Day after Christmas! :)
If your family is like mine, they
Ideas for the Bookworm
A Kindle Fire
Kindle Fire, Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi [photo via]
Did you get $199 of Christmas money? It might be time to splurge and order a kindle fire! Do you have a Prime membership? It's $79 a year, and HALF of that if you are a student. I love having a membership mostly for the 2 day shipping. Not only that, a Prime membership provides Kindle users with a free "library" check out each month, and you can stream movies and TV (already part of the membership) straight to your Kindle. Crazy! I have a feeling the Boyfriend bought me one of these, but I have to wait until "our Christmas" on Wednesday to find out. gah!
*** Did you get a kindle fire, and instead want to accessorize it with gorgeous covers? (...some of which cost nearly as much as the Kindle...but how can you say no to Kate Spade?)
*** Do you shun all e-reader technology and instead love the feel of a book in your hand, the smell of dusty pages when you take your fave book off the shelf, and the ability to write all over the insides and re-visit your thoughts? Then these books are a MUST. (Of course, they all have Kindle editions as well, but you'll have to click on to see the price.)
Do you want to be closer to God? Read the Beth Moore book. Do you like hunting, want to like hunting, or have a boyfriend/husband who wants you to like hunting? Do you want to be a food purist or city-escapist? Read Girl Hunter. Seriously. Do you wish you were as classy as Jackie O.? You and me both sister. Read on. Do you like to write? Plot & Structure was a huge help in my NaNoWriMo win and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to write a well structured first (and 2, 3, 4, 5th) draft.
The Night Circus and Hunger Games are DEFINITELY on my list. Harry Potter is a given. Snapshots at St. Arbucks is a fabulous read if you love to people watch, and St. Arbucks is your favorite saint. ;) It's also written by a friend and great influence of mine so I super recommend it.
*** Or perhaps you are just looking for something to hold the overflow of books you already have,
As for that chair... Hey, a girl can dream, right?
I hope you all had a fabulous holiday with your friends and family! I pray 2012 brings blessings beyond your wildest dream! Come back tomorrow for more ideas!
*Side note: There are 5 days left to enter the J. Crew Giveaway!*