Self Expression Magazine

How to Spend Your Christmas Money - The Movie Fanatic

Posted on the 07 January 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
This post is part of a mini-series based on the fact that so many families end up just handing out money on Christmas. Did this happen to you? Did they make you promise not to spend it on bills? Then read on for some ideas on how to spend it.  Just make sure you tell them what you spent it on. People like that. Prior posts: {Bookworm} {Fitness}
Ideas for the Movie Fanatic
Are you a movie fanatic? Can you quote every movie that was released this year? Then here are some ideas on how to spend that Christmas money!
First, are you fully prepared with everything you'll need to snuggle up and pop in your favorite picture?
Clearly, a 3d TV is a MUST for someone who loves movies. Personally, I am not a huge fan, and 3d creeps me out a bit. But I can't ignore a growing trend!
Are you all stocked up on movie watching tools? Then maybe it's time to add this year's best movies to your collection.
Maybe you are just getting started on your movie library.  Do you not yet own a copy of the Notebook? How about the latest Disney release? Well, you better hop on the gravy train with some oldies but goodies!
Or maybe you're more of a TV show girl, like me. Who doesn't have time to watch an episode or two of your favorite comedy, drama or reality show?    
No matter your favorite genre, I hope 2012 blows you away with all of the new releases, and hopefully brings one or two more Ryan Gosling movies to my door. *swoon*
*Side note: There are 3 days left to enter theJ. Crew Giveaway!*

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