Self Expression Magazine

How to Spend Your Christmas Money - The "Nerd"

Posted on the 07 January 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
This post is part of a mini-series based on the fact that so many families end up just handing out money on Christmas. Did this happen to you? Did they make you promise not to spend it on bills? Then read on for some ideas on how to spend it.  Just make sure you tell them what you spent it on. People like that. Prior posts: {Bookworm} {Fitness} {Fanatic}

*** The Nerd
Do your friends and family call you a nerd? Do you like all things electronic? Then I would guess you had several techie items on that list of yours in the first place! Too bad people got you cash instead, huh? Well, here are some suggestions on how to fill your life with more electronics.
Do you need something new to play on?
Or how about something to talk to someone far away or keep your eye on the nanny (LOL!)?   
Or maybe you have it all, and now it's time for some new Games in your collection? 
   *** {You may notice that nothing World of Warcraft was recommended on this list. I refuse to support WoW.  I actually ask men, "do you play World of Warcraft?" before I will go on a date with them. If they answer yes, I will refuse the date. I had a boyfriend many moons ago who showed me how addictive that game is. It resulted in several "That is not real life!" fights. So, I suppose it is fun, but I just don't care. ha.} *** No matter your favorite console, game genre, or accessory, I hope 2012 brings new technology and toys your way!

*Side note: There are 2 days left to enter the J. Crew Giveaway!*

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