When was the last time you had a conversation not for any personal gain, but just for the sake of communicating with a fellow human being? I've been in deep thoughts about the universe,food(as always) and human nature in the 21st century. Its sooo easy these days to wake up in the morning and go through a full day without having a conversation with at least 2 people out of "your comfort zone". These days people are given negative labels just because of things like their Nationality, Race, Culture, Religion or even Sexual Oreintation. Even i make that mistake loads of times painting people with the same brush...I'd see a muslim and first thing tht comes to my head is "GET AWAYYY BOMBBBBBB!!"...silly right? But its true...Its in our nature to be fearful of the Unknowned. Misconceptions, Generalisations. I'm not saying that people of the world should form a United Hippies Association (UHA...made that up) and spread world peace and love (not a bad idea), thats too much to ask. But what i'm saying is that it would be amazing to live in a world where i can be free from fear, a world were people become more open minded to their surrounding fellow human beings (Omg..i'm sounding old). I've always wanted to walk down a busy street like wall street in New York and just randomly start talking to a strange person on the pavement. Not stalking them or annoying them. Just having a genuine conversation Human to Human. Happy people, Old ones, Young ones each with amazing Stories to tell. I Love the thought of unwinding and just seeing people as people and not uhmmm being judgemental. It seems funny though to randomly start talking to the other lady in the cereal isle about the price of cornflakes, but you know, sometimes that little chat about nothing much can make a persons day. I dont know if i'm being understood but I had to share this post that was inspired by a Conversation* I had with someone special. I'd Love to read what you think too! I'm i just rambling orr i am actually making sense? Much Love Thandi