Creativity Magazine

I Think Of You

Posted on the 31 March 2013 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
I Think Of YouFor every time that I feel lonely,
I close my eyes and there you are by my side,
For every time that I get a scolding,
I remember the times we were together.
For every time that I feel like crying,
I imagine you dancing all through the night,
Like for every dark cloud, there is a silver lining,
And every tunnel has a light at its end.
For every bad time, there is something good,
For me darling, it’s you.
You don’t have to be always by my side,
You don’t have to always listen to me,
You don’t always have to care for me,
Just thinking about you, does that for me.
~ A Poem By Fizz
Also read our Free E-Book - Reflections Of My Heart!!!

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