Self Expression Magazine

I Will Follow You Into the Dark, #1036

Posted on the 20 August 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

My life is full, but sometimes it is utterly exhausting, too.  My husband and I run around from work, to after school activities for the kids, to meetings, to events…and on and on and on.

When bed time comes for me at the end of the day, there are times when it takes me seconds to drift off into dream land.  It’s like my life catches up with me and just forces me to shut down.

Last night was one of those nights.  It was 11:00, and our dishes were piled in the sink.  “Are you going to get those?” my husband asked.  “Sorry honey – tomorrow.  I’m done for the day.”  And I was out like a light.

This morning I woke up to an email with the subject heading “dishes.”    Here’s what it said:

“So I looked at the dishes and thought about all the hard work you do for this family, especially in the mornings. The last thing I want my love to do is to deal with in the morning is a bunch of dirty dishes that were used equally by everyone in the house. I’m sorry I didn’t get the pots… I really gotta go to bed. I ran the dishwasher so everything in there is clean.  Love ya babe!” I nearly cried reading those words.  How am I so lucky that I married someone so thoughtful and sweet?  Those words were better than the biggest bouquet of flowers that money can buy.  I am a very blessed lady. Thank you, honey, for the kindest moment of my day — my week – probably even the my month.  You are the BEST! My song of the day is from Death Cab for Cutie.  I love their song, “I Will Follow You Into the Dark.”  Isn’t that what marriage is all about anyway?  We follow each other into our deepest darkest places, but my sweet hubby – you will always be my light.  Thank you for being you. xo 

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