Self Expression Magazine

Ice, Ice Baby #1041

Posted on the 27 August 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I never thought my family would succumb to the ALS ice bucket challenge.  Truthfully, even in its original brilliance, there are things about the challenge that really bother me.  I feel like the public at large has forgotten the real point to the challenge.  You’re not just supposed to dump a bucket of water over your head.  The point of the challenge is to raise money for ALS.  So…just to get this out in the open, here’s the link to the national ALS Association’s donation page.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT.

When it came down to it though and my 7-year-old son received a video of his best buddy taking the challenge and nominating him, I knew we had to take part.  My son was so excited about it.  Finally, the greater meaning of this challenge suddenly became present again.  We taught him about ALS and about raising money for those who need our help.  He took that challenge with pride and with a knowledge that he was doing something good.  We have yet to donate, because he nominated his sister.  Once she completes her ice bucket challenge, we will sit down together at the computer as a family and go through the process of a donation.  There is a real valid lesson here for all.

So, without further ado…here is my son’s ice bucket challenge.  I am very proud that he actually went through with it.


And!!! – Here is my song of the day, too.  Just as I never thought we’d take part in the ice bucket challenge, I never thought I’d willingly listen to “Ice Ice Baby” again either.  I guess we’re all entitled to change our minds once in awhile!

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