Summer, had been feeling like she had been left in the rain personally. As she felt her clothes were soggy with hope as she ranged them out over her bathtub. She cursed her self for being forgetful and forgetting her umbrella.
Impatient, she thought crossly to herself , always rushing and forgetting things she angrily thought again. Just, like her job, she needed money it sounded better than the one she had before, in a cooperate office. A cooperate office with more than one water cooler. She also, had her own cubicle, as she had become a junior supervisors for the lucrative advertising company.
However, at this new place she thought she’d get paid more money. Especially, for getting clients to pitch to, if anyone bought into what was being pitched to them. But, she notice that this hipster company look good through appearances, only. Yes, they had big names. but, like most companies the higher ups help them and their friends. And she , being a newbie, had ads for kiddie’s traveling circus.
Yippy. she numbly said to herself. as she placed her damp clothes flat on the dryer and washing machine. It was a gig, a writing gig at a premier agency. Impatient, as she thought about her next step in writing. She had decide to throw her clothes in the dryer instead of letting them dry flat. Because, she could re-use them tomorrow. She was going to hand out resumes, while meeting with people. She grimace at thought of the smell of materialize , in a recycled cup of organic caffeine.
This made her feel at a lost in what she felt was a dead end job. She understood , that most writer started this way, before getting paid for their own writing . But, working late nights in order to make the tiniest of a bling for a bonus check, left her too tried to write anything else.
She, couldn’ t remember the last time she wrote to add pages to a novella she was working on. She, also remembered today’s date and realized she was behind on a book review. She was doing reviews for a serious independent blog-a-zine. It was free work, but, it she like the experience. She, also noticed her writing was improving by working with them. Besides, she could add her work to a freelance writing resume.
Yeah! The one that just sits in her computer named, untitled. Unlike the one she’d was handing out tomorrow. She took a deep breathe and stump her foot in frustration. The rain was still tapping on her window like a stalking tapping to come in. she shook her head and went back into the bathroom to check her clothes.
Just, as she enter the bathroom she remembered, “Damn” she said out loud. “My shirt and cardigan are silk”. she shouted running to the dryer and waking her dog. Who had been a sleep through the whole ordeal, ran behind her in hopes that it was playtime.Needless to say when she open the dryer her things shrunk, expect for her dark, well- slightly lighter jeans,now. She look at the things shaking her head. She, than said to D.O.G ” These are big enough for you my lil pug!” He wagged his tail, looking up at her. It help her mood, for sure.
But, she wanted to throw on some P.J’s, sit on the couch and have something sweet. She hoped it would be so sweet to give her a sugar high. So, she could forget the day ever happen. But, than she remembered, she had to walk the cute furry thing wagging it’s tail. ” Crap! it never ends!” she loudly said to herself. As she heard the rain still rudely tapping the ground.
Quickly she called to her dog to follow her, she hurriedly put on her rain gear that sat dryly inside the hall closet. She, quickly put a rain coat on D.O.G., as well. They both were rain gear ready they set off for their walk. However, as her pug ran passed her she notice he was missing his leash. She, turned to open the door and put her hands into key-less pockets. But, she had her umbrella which was useful. since she forgot her she cell phone too….. At work! -The End
( she and her pup waited at her friend’s apartment. Who, lived in the same complex, until her Summer’s boyfriend came home)
Hello, everyone. I was itching to write something today and made up this story. Enjoy and have a blessed day~Leah