Diaries Magazine

Inspiration for Your Blogging, Writing & Creativity - Quote from Berthe Morisot, Writing Prompts & More

Posted on the 30 October 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot
Inspiration for your Blogging, Writing & Creativity - Prompts, lists, quotes and more.... Please enjoy this example of Berthe Morisot's work. Each day, a quote, an image, several questions and a writing prompt are offered to you to use for  Your Writing & Creative Inspiration in order to increase your creative thinking as well as your personal and soulful  development.  


"It is important to express oneself provided the feelings are real."


Berthe Morisot

Woman Painter & Major Figure in the Impressionist Group


How often do you express yourself creatively?

What aspects of your creative process has not been explored yet? What’s stopping you.

Bonus: Take an action on the second question. Write about what happened.



After you make your list, refer back to it for writing prompts that are personalized and will inspire you on an individual basis

Make a list of the five to ten creative projects which fill you with the most pride. If you have fewer than five, write the ones you have and add "intention: future project."

Make a list of five to ten ways you create daily: teach, cook, parent, manage, take photos with your camera, sing, tell stories to your friends.

Life Coaching/Personal Growth Lessons to Create

1. Consider how creative thinking - such as problem solving - is a significant part of the creative process.

2. What will you do to encourage yourself and the people you coach to be more creative in their everyday lives?

Traditional Writing Prompt:

1. I express myself mostly….

2. I would like to express myself more…….


© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott  

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Writing at the parkThis Blog Series was created to increase your creative thinking process as well as inspire writing and ideas to take form that may not have taken form without these specific quotes, questions and prompts. If you find them helpful, I hope you will pass them along to friends as well.

I’m so glad you are here, reading and creating.

Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot

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UBC-bannerbox200And naturally, on Pinterest, too!

 Welcome to my thirtieth post (of 31!) for the October Ultimate Blog Challenge. Watch here for Your Writing & Creative Inspiration! Word-Love to YOU!

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