Diaries Magazine
Burnt breakfast again,And ran after the bus to catch it,Crumbs of toast still around the corners of my mouth,It seemed like just another day.
Heel snapped while walking,Cursed the concrete floor,Suppressed giggles from people I saw, as I limped awkwardlyIt seemed great how this day was beginning.
Boss was in a foul mood,He hadn’t heard my “Good morning”He was mouthing curses at his laptop!Perhaps his morning too wasn’t good.
During the meeting, I realized, I left my papers at home,In misery, I hung my head low,Tears streamed freely down my cheeks,As the manager mouthed expletives some more.
Suddenly someone knocked the door politely,Entered my knight in shining armor wearing his pajamas!He had my papers “You had left them on your work desk.”I thanked him profusely.
During dinner that night, over a glass of wine,I told him what he truly meant to me,He told me before I said anything,Tell him at the bottom of the glass what I would find!
I told him “Yes” with all my heart; for surely what else would I say?He was my pajama-clad knight after allAnd he taught me, not every day is just another dayHe could turn it all to be a memorable way!
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